Monday, December 28, 2015

Промова Геннадія Корбана в Дніпровському райсуді Києва 28 грудня 2015року після засідання, яке тривало майже 30 годинKorban , Kodorkovsky updates: At the bail hearing it was decided that Korban should be arrested till the end of February. UKROP party has called for a protest rally, on the famous Institutskaia and Bankovskaia streets in Kyiv. More updates and discussion on UKROP website.  The latest (January 2, 2016)  is, that according to UKROP, the appeal will be "considered by a judge convenient to the Poroshenko party  block". 

In Ukrainian Mova: Суд постановив тримати Геннадія Корбана під вартою 60 діб, під вигуки «Ганьба!» 

Kolomoiskii had this to say:
It is obvious that Korban trial is moderated not by court, but by the third parties from external offices. By  those court proceedings, authorities discredited their intentions to carry out judicial reform, it cannot be not continued any more. For the first time in Ukraine, the authorities organized trials, opaquely choosing jurisdiction and district courts, convenient for themselves.  (full statement, Ukrainian or Russian; an English version here.)

(Noted. For translations, google translate works quite well. The words often come in wrong order and grammar is often wrong, but one can see what it says, with some effort. Some foreign articles are translated, but not all, or it may not happen very quickly.)   

"Приятно наблюдать": Ходорковского насмешила жалоба защиты на его заочный арест
Russia will not be outdone, and steams ahead with Khodorkovsky trial (murder this time). A comment directly from Khodorkovsky mouth:  ...

it is a pleasure to observe how the authorities are arguing with themselves ...

RIA Novosti, 29 December, quoting David Goldberg, a partner,  White &Case — one of the firms representing the interests of Moscow in foreign jurisdictions: 

On February 9, Hague district court  will consider  the Russian appeal of the decision awarding  $ 50 billion to former YUKOS shareholders.  

"A hearing will be held on February 9," said Goldberg. 

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